Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

What kind of data we collect

The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery is only interested in data that helps us deliver membership products and services to you. This includes:

  • Name, mailing address (shared with Sage Publishing for delivery of the World Journal), email address, phone, fax, payment history
  • World Society event attendance
  • Non-identifiable aggregated web site data
    • site visits
    • frequency
    • number of page views
    • geographical source of visits

Additionally, when you visit our website, we use cookies to deliver a better web experience during your session and for the next time you return.

What we do with data we collect

Our primary goal is delivering educational information and scientific research through the website, the World Journal, and the World Database. We use your personal data to make sure you receive important industry information, updates and special promotions.

What we don’t do with data

We have never and will never sell your information to marketers or other vendors.

Your rights

You have the right to request a report on all the data we keep on you. You have the right to have your information corrected or deleted.